The Selection - Kiera Cass

This quote fue agregado por izzynotizze
I had thought of several answers while I was waiting for my turn. I was going to make fun of his laugh or talk about the pet name he wanted his wife to call him. It seemed like the only way to save the situation was to get back the comedy. But as I lifted my eyes to make one of my comments, I saw Maxon's face. He really wanted to know. And I really couldn't poke fun at him, not when I had a chance to say what I'd really started to think now that he was my friend.

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typist_ 5 años, 1 mes atrás
I submitted an edit to change the "of" to "or" as I believe that is the correct quote.
weesin 5 años, 1 mes atrás
Are you sure you copied the original text correctly? "I was going to make fun of his laugh of talk about..." is awkward and doesn't make sense

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