Be YourSelf - kelela gaspar

This quote fue agregado por alohaxlela06
Someone would change for people who wouldn't love them for they truly are. People would put on a show in front of everyone and pretend like they are okay by wearing a fake smile down the halls. Groups of people would be blind by the fake smile that they wore for years while the pain was held in their eyes. They were afraid to show who they really are because of the judgment. You shouldn't pretend to be someone that your not. Be someone that no one can't be. BE YOURSELF!

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weesin 4 años, 9 meses atrás
This quote is very poorly written. 'Someone would change for people who wouldn't love them for they truly are' is not proper English. And you have typed 'your' instead of 'you're'. Also, 'Be someone that no one can't be' is poorly written and is a double negative.

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