Today's the Day - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por babaganoush007
Today is going to be a great day! No... Today is going to be an extraordinary day! The sun may not be shining, but the future is bright. Today is the day where you beat your high score on this website. Today, you are going to strive towards your goals in mastering your typing skills.

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Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
typin_ 200.07 100%
user871724 161.98 95.3%
rivendellis 109.68 95.3%
ben.tomo.132 107.94 97.6%
hamchow 104.14 97.6%
owolord 103.11 99.0%
guinessbook1 102.83 97.6%
algo 102.24 94.0%
kensmom825 98.97 94.4%
user93811 97.06 96.6%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
user109367 23.83 92.3%
user101919 79.38 96.6%
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user97523 81.20 93.1%
user781461 76.33 95.1%
teddy.bear 86.92 92.8%
guinessbook1 102.83 97.6%
user349339 34.23 89.9%