Helping people - Normally evil

This quote fue agregado por tristantrim
When you see somebody whose hands are full struggling with a door, and you see that you are the closest person to them, you get a little giddy and rush over to hold the door open. It's so easy to do and for just a brief moment you get to be a hero rescuing someone. You get to be good. It's not in a big or grand way, but it's a nice change from being a parasite on the world trying to find anything to do to justify the torture you put people through to sustain your life.

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promethes 2 años, 11 meses atrás
nice quote
user85577 3 años, 5 meses atrás
Welp. Going to grillby's.
user85577 3 años, 5 meses atrás
Welp. Going to grilles
uhlexseeuh 3 años, 5 meses atrás
well that was depressing
tristantrim 4 años, 10 meses atrás
english grammar is dumb & inconsistent! Thanks for the proofread though!
weesin 4 años, 10 meses atrás
You typed 'who's' when you should have typed 'whose'

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