Being Grateful - To prove a point

This quote fue agregado por imustbeabigot
When we go through life looking for the right person for us, it might actually help to meet a few of the wrong people. Hear me out, if we meet a few of the wrong people before we meet someone who is right, we hopefully will feel a little more grateful for that right person.

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camper07me 3 años, 2 meses atrás
I dislike when people curse... but love hearing about peoples fake gods because i know there's only one god and it's christ jesus
weesin 4 años, 9 meses atrás
I think this is a great idea. Then again, I'm in favour of anything that keeps the religious folks from constantly talking about their 'god'
imustbeabigot 4 años, 9 meses atrás
I posted this quote to prove a point and provide a compromise. This quote is essentially stating the same thing as another quote on this site but without God being referenced in this example. So the compromise is this: find the deeper meaning in what God is trying to tell you and reword it. You will stay within the bounds of the site, everyone will appreciate this. You will get more out of the quote through critical thinking about it. Your God will appreciate you putting in work to understand whatever is being told. Everyone wins.

This is maybe not the best idea, but it's AN idea and a compromise.

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