Let's Stop Pretending Kim Kardashian is a Feminist - Dani Fleischer

This quote fue agregado por weesin
I'd be lying if I said I know what the word feminism means anymore. But I know it's about re-defining the terms by which we talk and think about women. Which means ultimately it's about the effort to change the perception of women-to shift the paradigm of how we are seen by others. And Kim Kardashian does nothing to shift that paradigm. What she does - everything she is, in fact - reinforces all of the negative stereotypes of women: vain, catty, sexualized, and vacant.

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weesin 4 años, 11 meses atrás
My apologies to all. I have made an error in my quote. The first sentence should read as "I'd be lying if I said I know...". I have submitted a request for an edit. I apologize for my sloppiness

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