The 100: Bellamy Blake about Clarke Griffin - Kass Morgan

This quote fue agregado por adriana-b
Octavia was the only person in the world who truly knew him. There was no one else he really cared about seeing ever again. But then he glanced over at Clarke, who was leaning over to breathe in the scent of a bright pink flower, the sun catching the gold strands in her hair, and suddenly he wasn't so sure.

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catrice 3 años, 2 meses atrás
It's from the books.
user90632 3 años, 2 meses atrás
What season or episode is this? It seems that I never heard of this, so it must be season 7.
slowtyper237 3 años, 3 meses atrás
Disappointed when Clarke turned out to be a girl

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