Katara - Unknown

This quote fue agregado por echo_thequietplace101
Guess what this means: Katara afto Apagoreymeni Agapi! "Curse this forbidden love."I wanted to tell you how much It sucks to be bisexual and you can't tell your family. Hi, my name is Echo. I'm Bisexual, and my family doesn't know... I have a girlfriend and her name is Nikki or Nik for short. It sucks that I'm going out with her and can't tell anyone in EITHER of our families or anyone who will tell anyone in either of our families. anyways... goodbye for now, LOVE YA! BYE!!!!!

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ddlacret 12 años, 3 meses atrás
horrible quote... wrong punctuation, wrong grammar, seems like text messages rather than an actual quote from somewhere... seems like some idiot person went to a chat room and copied and pasted stuff into this.

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