Nipsey Hussle

This quote fue agregado por user543654
Try to have more faith and less fear; try to express it to your peers. I'm talking about dreams. Better to do it and let it be seen, 'cause then it's so clear.

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mowm 2 años, 9 meses atrás
i got my first 100% accuracy on this typing test. ty

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user491757 162.13 100%
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user871724 158.42 99.4%
berryberryberry 157.02 95.8%
69buttpractice 156.80 99.4%
user697099 156.72 98.1%
tang 154.06 98.8%
penguino_beano 154.02 97.5%
user975182 153.95 99.4%
lazybobby240 153.51 99.4%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
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annaogi 59.23 90.3%
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gwaldrop 95.30 94.6%
user109434 24.20 95.8%
tapo 29.11 82.1%
bweeta 85.93 97.0%