This quote fue agregado por shasta-landstar
I go by, I look, I smile. You give a look maybe a brief smile. I go back to my day wondering, what that all meant. You probably don't give it a second thought, but maybe. All translating to, we will never know each other. Another day goes by, I'm still me, you're still you and WE will continue to be just I... Just introduce yourself. It can't be that bad. Maybe it last for that moment, but maybe just maybe it'll be more.

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kkkevin 4 años, 6 meses atrás
Damn bro this shit hit deep, I could relate and it broke me. Nice quote though for sure.
kkkevin 4 años, 6 meses atrás
Damn bro this shit hit deep, I could relate and it broke me. Nice quote though for sure.

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