Diplomatic immunity - Bill Mc Neil, News Radio

This quote fue agregado por bkelley984
You get a ticket, you pay it. I get a ticket, I pay it. They get a ticket, they don't pay no ticket. That's why these freeloading foreign diplomats should be dragged from their cars and beaten like the renegade outlaws they are. Wake up Manhattan. Wake up Brooklyn. Wake up... the other three burrows. These people, with names you need a calculator to pronounce, have got their hands in your pockets. And I say it's time we cut them off at the wrist. And now, if you please, these messages!

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o simplemente dejar un comentario:

viper 4 años, 7 meses atrás
I'm a realist, not a diplomat
garyc 4 años, 7 meses atrás
Stupid and violent. Disgusting.

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