A quote for a lockdown - Chokebee

This quote fue agregado por chokeebee
Every time, it seems like the evening just turns into another dawn, and dawn into the noon and so on and so forth. Try to stay positive and think about all the things you would not do once outside, like wearing your best pajamas all day long, picking your nose or just letting the wind go whenever you want it. Face it - there are also good sides to being in quarantine, and until the electricity still runs strong let us enjoy downloading the entirety of the Internet to save for future generations.

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slowtyper237 1 año, 4 meses atrás
I don't know why but typing this quote felt really good
mcmacladdie 2 años, 5 meses atrás
I feel like I'm one of the few people in my area that kinda misses COVID restrictions :/

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