Bonjour typers - ORBITY

This quote fue agregado por tutsxi
I just want to write something, hoping that maybe I'll come by my quote one day and the same goes for my friends; I hope they find this and just enjoy writing this quote.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user871724 198.29 98.8%
historialdirect 117.02 98.3%
geryjs 116.43 99.4%
kensmom825 112.99 100%
lynchrobinson 111.54 94.4%
faillogic 108.27 97.7%
user107069 105.91 96.6%
queenrita124 104.87 98.8%
bhavikaasharma_ 101.59 95.0%
saraannehopperr 100.19 91.9%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
dark_alpha 99.36 97.7%
shang88 69.52 96.6%
user109145 41.02 91.9%
user102868 68.80 85.6%
kait999 64.68 91.5%
faillogic 108.27 97.7%
saraannehopperr 100.19 91.9%
shanthanreddy77 53.43 90.9%