Love - Korean paper cup

This quote fue agregado por user16499
Love is like the wind I can't see it but I can feel it. Love is like the wind I can't see it but I can feel it. Love is like the wind I can't see it but I can feel it. Love is like the wind I can't see it but I can feel it. Love is like the wind I can't see it but I can feel it. Love is like the wind I can't see it but I can feel it.

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specificity 12 años, 5 meses atrás
Not a good test for real-world typing, but great if you want to boost your numbers!

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

Score (PPM) la distribución de esta cita. Más.

Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user25933 127.28 99.7%
corey 126.91 99.4%
mmm03 110.46 99.1%
evilxori 107.68 100%
ego 105.96 99.7%
crtuttle 105.71 98.1%
feino 101.53 98.2%
user28072 101.33 98.8%
saywarder 101.07 99.7%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
eventlogging 170.00 100%
dlkurtz673 40.87 97.0%
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deezman88 81.20 96.7%
albo69 76.30 98.8%
pen7985 68.87 98.5%
mhtuchinson 83.21 97.0%
user33206 34.35 95.5%