
This quote fue agregado por catrice
"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" is the worst thing you can say. First of all, not all problems are temporary. Second of all, that's the breaking point. Everyone wants a permanent solution of some kind.

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atomicweasel 1 año, 5 meses atrás
Suicidal thoughts are not rare. Some studies suggest that between 5 and 10% of all people -- including «normies» -- experience suicidal thoughts pretty regularly.

Of course, there is a logic to what leads us to consider suicide. And that logic is informed strongly by what psychologists would call «cognitive distortion» -- usually «black and white thinking» / «focusing on the negative» / «emotional reasoning».

There is also good evidence, that suicidal thoughts are comforting to the person -- and may indeed be part of what keeps that person going.

I am guessing here, but I think it may be part of what allows our minds to entertain the counterfactual, and confirm that there is a way out, which may allow us to return to the harsh realities of life after that brief respite.

People have tons of wrong and radical takes on what makes a person report suicidal thoughts.
neveronground 2 años, 6 meses atrás
The privilege to say depression, anxiety and hopelessness are "absolutely temporary."
albinotoe 2 años, 6 meses atrás
Most of the time suicide is a result of depression/anxiety/hopelessness, which is absolutely temporary. Same goes with positive emotions like hope, joy, happiness, but one can never experience those things again if they commit suicide. Maybe people do want a permanent solution but permanent solutions do not exist. Death is not a solution but it is permanent. Death robs one of ever finding a solution.
018246 2 años, 8 meses atrás
I don't think that suicide is the solution at all. It's more the ultimate problem. Especially if you are religious, or believe in some form of a God or after-earth life.
nik343 2 años, 11 meses atrás
Suicide is the only solution to all problems, no matter whether they are temporary or not
catrice 3 años, 2 meses atrás
Kevin Hines has a tendency to project his personal feelings and experience onto others. He wants to live, and he thinks everyone else does too.
catrice 3 años, 2 meses atrás
Plenty of suicide attempt survivors only regret failing and/or try again soon after.
fartchili 3 años, 2 meses atrás
Hmm what I think of here is that stat from people jumping off the Golden...many realize halfway down that they could solve every problem they have another way. Killing yourself is the most drastic "solution" possible. You should exhaust other solutions first, before doing the most permanent thing that can happen to anyone.
tootsieroll 3 años, 7 meses atrás
ok dwight
typefastandslow 3 años, 7 meses atrás
umm False.
1. Life is temporary so all problems are temporary
2. See (1), that's the point
3. Not everyone wants a permanent solution. Its why you start drinking and never stop

I feel like you really haven't thought much of this through
kumagai 3 años, 10 meses atrás
Suicide isn't a solution per se. The point of finding a solution is to feel relief from the problem. You can't feel relief when you're dead. You're just dead.

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