Typing Test - Master of the matter of typing

This quote fue agregado por teja_abdullah
Now left food much tell take did both place begin many important no must between home later white them he carry hard at and and line eat end saw is show between this another those letter grow go now let should in an around young head.

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Nombre PPM Precisión
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user37933 146.65 99.1%
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jaesynn 122.45 99.1%
slamwilson 119.78 100%
afbwelter 119.57 98.7%
harleyq 118.93 99.1%
crtuttle 116.85 99.6%
loganm 109.78 98.3%
boyfrombangladesh 109.52 97.9%

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omolon 64.36 96.7%
slaughtermelon 76.51 94.0%
abababen 91.33 95.9%