Bruh moment - Bruh bruh

This quote fue agregado por zizuke
Hey man, I know that I had relations with your girlfriend but hey, I'm kinda better looking than you and better in every way. You chose not to improve yourself because of "self-care." That's on you lol, you're stagnating as a human being. No matter how many times you're told that you matter and "we care." Deep down, you know the truth. Conquer yourself before you get conquered. Keep your head up kings, never stop improving.

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dkistrying 4 años atrás
Hey, I thought it was funny lol
zizuke 4 años atrás
Hey, get off your high horse grandpa.
mumma 4 años atrás
How can you tell when you're dealing with a child? They say things like "your mother" as they're seemingly unable to express themselves in an intelligent manner
zizuke 4 años atrás
Your mother.
mumma 4 años atrás
This is offensive garbage

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