Mediocre - Toby S.

This quote fue agregado por tobybhady
I think about my life sometimes, and I become disappointed. My life is the meaning of mediocre - nothing more than that. Everything in my life that I have done, leads up to something average and I end up stuck in a loop of a boring and moderate life. But, I always believe that I will end up finding something or someone that will give my life more meaning than just, mediocre.

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memgo 12 meses atrás
I know this is easier said than done, but stop waiting for something to happen and make it happen. Pick up some cool skill or try and meet some cool people. Don't want to waste your whole life waiting for something that may never come.
qweerty 4 años atrás
It is hard to have a positive outlook on life when thoughts like these come up. I have the same thoughts too whenever I think about myself. I hope that Toby has found something that made him happier, and that they can find happiness in themselves other than being mediocre!

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