Barnold Garry

This quote fue agregado por tootsieroll
If you are pro-life, you should recognize that people who are pro-choice do not consider fetuses people, so they consider abortion an issue of women's rights. If you are pro-choice, you should recognize that people who are pro-life consider fetuses people, and they want to protect those people. Stop stereotyping your opposition as baby murderers or woman haters.

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qweerty 3 años, 2 meses atrás
And pro-lifers want to protect those fetus by taking away women's rights! I'm pretty sure the main argument of abortion isn't "are fetuses considered people or not" but rather "what can women do with their own bodies"
beefybread 4 años atrás
Wear a condom next time.
mattman2255 4 años atrás
Great quote! I think people need to learn to put themselves in someone else's shoes. Even if they don't fit!

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