How Do You Feel - Hemo7

This quote fue agregado por hemo7
Hi all, this is an easy quote that I wanted to throw your way, although I do know that you will mess it up because it is meant to be easy. I'm in your head how do you feel?

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dcb87 126.65 98.3%
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somerandomppl 84.35 93.5%
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kobo 76.18 94.5%
maadj 61.91 92.0%
deelanxd 53.70 95.0%
mohd_talib 50.23 93.0%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
somerandomppl 84.35 93.5%
maadj 61.91 92.0%
dcb87 126.65 98.3%
deelanxd 53.70 95.0%
mohd_talib 50.23 93.0%
jacqueline1234 101.74 96.1%
raintr33 84.18 99.4%
kobo 76.18 94.5%