Carl Bernstein

This quote fue agregado por catrice
I fear that the measures the Founding Fathers put in place to prevent the pitfalls of democracy, the so-called tyranny of the majority, are no longer helping. We are now facing the tyranny of the slight majority and the near majority.

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slowtyper237 7 meses, 1 semana atrás
Don't let this distract your from the fact that Mr. Krabs sold Spongebob's soul for 62 cents
kumagai 2 años, 1 mes atrás
Now it's tyranny of the vocal minority thanks to cancel culture.
catrice 3 años, 10 meses atrás
A slight majority can win elections.
user83052 3 años, 10 meses atrás
how would you be facing the tyranny of the slight majority if there slight

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