I just started - Traviks

This quote fue agregado por traviksggman121
I just started this app. I went off really bad right now but I hope I get better at this site. I just came here to learn how to type so I can type faster at a game called nitrotype. So then I can be better and win more often I'm ten years-old lived in a wealthy house nothing crazy I am typing on a school computer right now since I am in quarantine it's boring. I just do not like covid. If you guys are reading this tell me what you guys feel in commets bellow.

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traviksggman121 3 años, 9 meses atrás
pls tell me wat you think

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user85604 71.14 94.1%
emperorofcatdom 63.14 90.7%
zabedin90 62.19 96.9%
user80784 60.49 91.0%
fiskhe 58.71 89.4%
willyribs1300 45.03 96.9%
chandalmurga 16.23 96.5%

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user80784 60.49 91.0%
zabedin90 62.19 96.9%