A Life of Typing Part 1 - William Nelson

This quote fue agregado por catboardbeta
Most people think typing is a job. Most think it is just more work. I don't think like that: I think of typing as a way to increase my productivity. Typing is a lifestyle, a way for me and others to live. I remember when I first started: 15 words per minute, hunting and pecking. In about two years, I learned of the true joy of typing; I learned how to make it fun. One year later, I am at a regular 40 words per minute. I hit a plateau, and I realized I would have to learn proper methodology.

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gregmills2015 3 años, 8 meses atrás
Is it really "true join of typing" or "true joy of typing"?

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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