Coincidence? I think so... - Casey L.

This quote fue agregado por pizzaman550
There are so many random thought provoking quotes featured on this website. Sometimes, when I'm typing through the quotes it feels like they're trying to speak to me. Like the keyhero stars aligned to create a string of thought. I may have just broken that string for you... Oops.

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johnymaccarroni 2 años, 3 meses atrás
"You were an accident" - Sun Tzu 2 años, 11 meses atrás
"There are no accidents" - Master Oogway.

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tang 141.70 96.2%
venerated 139.78 99.3%
keyherohero 138.31 96.6%
69buttpractice 138.04 97.2%
takishan 137.95 98.6%

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