I Wish - Reef C.

This quote fue agregado por user824462
I wish I can type as fast as I want without having to make so many mistakes. I'll sure keep trying I need more quotes to help me be better. More complex quotes please.

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strikeemblem 122.74 94.4%
seattle 94.96 98.2%
user830398 92.22 97.1%
danbi 80.70 93.8%
user209747 74.44 93.3%
typeracer_0 74.41 90.8%
falsesu 68.31 97.7%
ccr712 62.17 93.8%
ceifero 53.99 96%
ladytzyion 49.52 95.4%

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falsesu 68.31 97.7%
seattle 94.96 98.2%
user830398 92.22 97.1%