Time to ban cars - Valia Falls

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So when people say that we need to ban guns because "guns shoot people," did the thought never occur to them that it's not the guns that kill people. It's the people behind the guns that kill people. And the people that kill other people illegally with guns don't care about the law anyways, so why would it matter if guns were ban? They just do what ever they want anyway. We might as well ban cars because for some reason they hit people, get in to recks, and do all types of crazy stuff.

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mattman2255 3 años, 7 meses atrás
I love guns! I have multiple. I don't love this quote. sorry lol
catrice 3 años, 9 meses atrás
What a beautiful straw man. Here's a better one, though: When people say that sponge cake is unhealthy and that I shouldn't eat sponge cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, have they not considered that sponge cake is not actually made of sponges? Therefore, they do not need to foolishly think that I am eating inedible marine life or plastic.

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