This quote fue agregado por liamg
I want to try to make this quote the only quote you can find on this website. I want everybody to create this quote so that the only quote we find is this one.

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noobplayer 127.86 98.8%
astrid17 100.18 98.8%
jrmquitless 95.40 97.0%
user94075 86.02 91.4%
bluejay 81.05 92.4%
user103244 59.37 91.4%
tarek20 34.79 90.3%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
user103244 59.37 91.4%
user94075 86.02 91.4%
noobplayer 127.86 98.8%
bluejay 81.05 92.4%
astrid17 100.18 98.8%
tarek20 34.79 90.3%
jrmquitless 95.40 97.0%