
This quote fue agregado por tayeba
Life is like a coin. It has two sides. One side is what you see and one side is what people see. So don't just confide in your side. See the other side of life to understand its true meaning.

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teil0 10 años atrás
Life *would* be like a coin if coins were as you describe them. But they aren't. When you flip a coin over, you learn the profound truth that it's still a coin whichever side is on display.
malevolarky 10 años, 7 meses atrás
This succeeds magnificently at conveying absolutely nothing.
teilo 10 años, 10 meses atrás
Run-on sentences, and not a quote.
nezz1234 12 años atrás
"Empathy is among the most valued of human traits."
"It is the bedrock of conversation."
wisteria 12 años, 2 meses atrás
it's --> its

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