Nathan Niemiec

This quote fue agregado por vetteuccine
Nothing in life comes easily. If you want it you have to get it yourself. Just like typing, you won't be able to type two hundred words per minute just because you want to. You have to grind for it day and night to earn it.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user871724 195.70 99.1%
hololivefan 168.90 100%
berryberryberry 163.34 96.1%
venerated 162.41 98.7%
jiggalee 152.86 92.4%
user491757 152.70 98.6%
user975182 151.22 99.1%
forkhunter 150.68 99.1%
2001or2 147.74 96.0%
user381085 142.15 98.7%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
peepeepoopoo6969 90.33 95.7%
typy_typist 79.98 91.6%
elpatrongarcia 93.49 93.7%
ladytzyion 46.31 95.3%
zeravla708 82.99 97.0%
shon 39.52 90.3%
user107089 47.57 90.7%
kicko 96.96 92.9%