The Hardest and Painful War - D.B..

This quote fue agregado por 3fields1master
In this world you can fight with anyone over anything, even your loved one. But you can't fight with yourself. This war is the hardest and the most painful. The more you fight the harder it gets. This war can last for few days or maybe forever... But you still don't forget to fight.

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teil0 10 años, 2 meses atrás
You are contradicting yourself. Can you, or can you not fight with yourself?
goveend 12 años, 1 mes atrás
In this world you can fight with anyone over anything, even your loved one. But you can't fight with yourself. This war is the hardest and the most painful. The more you fight the harder it gets. This war can last for few days or maybe forever... But you still don't forget to fight.

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