Typing Long - Me, Myself, and I

This quote fue agregado por funnybunny
I know that you're thinking, "Why does it have to be a long one?" Well, I'll tell you why. Typing out longer pieces of text will help you more in the long run. You know when you have to workout, but you really don't want to. This is almost the same thing; it's good in the long run, but sucky now. I know one day you'll thank me and the rest of the people on here who had longer texts. It may not be now, or any time soon, but I know you will. And guess what, you're already done. Congratulations!!

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o simplemente dejar un comentario:

venerated 3 años, 5 meses atrás
it's been a while and that hasn't happened yet. so maybe... quit the "longer is better" bullshit. just type
kiriiya 3 años, 5 meses atrás
Wrong. I was thinking, "Oh, look! Another idiot who thinks himself so virtuous that he is writing down yet another self-aware pseudo-quote--while thinking that it will be of utility to someone other than his ego."
violence_rage_momentum 3 años, 7 meses atrás
Well, maybe maybe not.
Can you fuck off?

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Nombre PPM Precisión
venerated 133.70 99.2%
marib 128.49 95.6%
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strikeemblem 112.01 95.2%
user95397 107.34 92.4%
destiny-00 104.85 94.9%
user81912 100.90 92.7%
user57437 99.87 97.1%
testman123 98.10 98.6%
dchan 97.85 94.9%

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