leftovers - original

This quote fue agregado por funnybunny
With so many quotes added to this website every day, there has to be some that never make it to other people's screens. I know nobody wants to write something (especially if it takes a lot of time) that stays in the leftover pile. This makes me sad for some reason.

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elite_jaredgoff 2 años, 7 meses atrás
Me too kid
kiriiya 2 años, 9 meses atrás
That's just not how that works.
qweerty 3 años atrás
Well this one made it to mine :)

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venerated 146.79 98.9%
penguino_beano 144.53 98.9%
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toinfinity 142.40 98.5%
rezai 142.29 97.1%

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