
This quote fue agregado por bmccloud
Hello, I hope you are doing well today. I am procrastinating and not doing my work and thought I would write this quote in hopes to find someone else who may be procrastinating. Bless you and I hope you find the motivation to get something done.

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doitype 1 año, 1 mes atrás
Procrastination is a real problem, help stop procrastination today! 2 años, 8 meses atrás
YEP! same. I have some serious problems when it comes to studying... My horrible habit kept me barely getting the desired marks in high school and when I got to Uni is when I realised the severity of my behavior. I did not have that sense of motivation and inspiration from family and friends, but I hope that you do. Even though your quote is relatively old I would still like you to use every moment you have to learn and expand your knowledge and if you have tasks to do, don't wait for anyone to help you. Bless you and good luck.

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