Why Fish Don't Exist - Lulu Miller

This quote fue agregado por gabetax
There's an idea in philosophy that certain things don't exist until they get a name. Abstract things like justice, nostalgia, infinity, love, or sin. The thinking goes that these concepts do not sit out there on some ethereal plane waiting to be discovered by humans but instead snap into being when someone invents names for them. The moment the name is uttered, the concept becomes "real" in the sense that it can affect reality.

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catrice 3 años, 4 meses atrás
Nonsense is the absence of sense.
curby 3 años, 4 meses atrás
Good for typing practice, but the idea it talks about is nonsense. Take the word "nonsense" for instance: "nonsense" didn't have to be a word for me to say that it doesn't make sense.

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