Anyone proofreading? And why can't I type faster? - sylvia.spar

This quote fue agregado por sylvia.spar
I thought there are supposed to be no quotes with obvious grammatical or spelling errors here, yet I come across many such quotes and I wonder... who is doing the proofreading for Keyhero? Anyone? I'm sure I could make a career out of proofreading written works for errors, since I do love to read, and I seem to find them so easily. I just wish I could type faster! This is very frustrating for me because I practice every day! Maybe I'm too sensitive. No. I really need to type faster!

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kiriiya 3 años, 4 meses atrás
You can start your proofreading exercise by refraining from adding self-aware bullshit.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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