Easy - KZ-9JA

This quote fue agregado por user653174
I've decided to make my own quote. There are many words that I could've used to make this quote much more difficult, yet I decided to only add simplistic words that even an infant can spell.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
rivendellis 121.42 96.9%
1typer 96.65 96.0%
jules831 84.65 98.4%
saintpain 84.49 98.4%
shaikkamarul 76.01 93.6%
user366833 72.96 89.6%
matysek 70.39 97.4%
engl3king06 69.92 95%
user45928 62.70 95.5%
user102193 60.36 96.4%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
jules831 84.65 98.4%
user45928 62.70 95.5%
matysek 70.39 97.4%
1typer 96.65 96.0%
alopezariza12 41.46 95.5%
saintpain 84.49 98.4%
engl3king06 69.92 95%
shaikkamarul 76.01 93.6%