Words - Harry Potter - Dumbledore

This quote fue agregado por xengar42_
"Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both influencing injury, and remedying it." - Albus Dumbledore.

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localbisexual 2 años, 3 meses atrás
i love the ability to see my improvement on quotes: the last time i did this quote i got 72.2 wpm, but now i got 114.7 wpm. leaderboard baybee

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localbisexual 114.70 95.1%
2001or2 110.99 95.7%
lirich90 110.39 100%
user586219 107.43 95.1%
strikeemblem 106.74 99.4%

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