Musings - An amused typist

This quote fue agregado por amrita
The number of Kurt Vonnegut quotes on this website warms my heart. I haven't actually read the guy, but he seems awesome. People seem to really be into his way of thinking.

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user108043 105.52 98.9%
avrgcodr 90.07 97.7%
kehe4 81.10 92.0%
user843630 80.19 93.5%
jupitergwin 70.75 94.0%
thecrazydane2 70.00 90.1%
user100406 67.30 95.6%
user102525 64.45 94.0%
mgraham 64.31 87.8%
amberraechel 59.27 98.9%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
avrgcodr 90.07 97.7%
user843630 80.19 93.5%
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jupitergwin 70.75 94.0%
user69750 47.36 94.0%
user108043 105.52 98.9%