Short words - Jeremiah S.

This quote fue agregado por jgdude
Now I hate it when people attack longer quotes, because they completely misunderstand the idea of this website. On the other hand though, if people hated on quotes that used long, extensive words that naturally inflate words per minute and make it much harder to type since those are words you don't generally type; I understand that far better. Although I still think that challenging yourself and making harder quotes is the only way to improve.

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gorbodorbo 2 semanas, 5 días atrás
: to speak or write (a passage) from another usually with credit acknowledgment
: to repeat a passage from especially in substantiation or illustration
gilbertja77 1 año, 1 mes atrás
The stronger your vocabulary is and the better you can spell, the faster you can type.
venerated 3 años, 2 meses atrás
who asked?

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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user975182 140.36 94.4%
lirich90 138.47 99.1%
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user491757 136.54 98.7%
bennyues 134.94 96.5%

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