Semicolons - S0m3th1ng

This quote fue agregado por s0m3th1ng
Semicolons are one of the most unnecessary things. They merge two independent clauses, but a conjunction or period will do the same. You may be wonder, "Why do we still use them?" This is an excellent question. I don't know the exact answer, but I do have a few theories. People may still use them in order to seem more prestigious. It is like buying from a designer brand. There are other items that are just as good yet people still buy these things in order to appear prestigious.

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d1vineb0y 3 años, 5 meses atrás
semicolons are used to "connect" two sentences together that are "related" with each other. a semicolon is like a period and a comma and also a colon but the semicolon is a semicolon so its not a full colon and so i interpret the use of the semicolon to "connect" two sentences together that are "related" with each other

there are many things that a person may do in their life recreationally; too many recreational things to do in the lifetime of a person and a lot of people dont much. if there were less choices, people will make more out of their lives.

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