Trust Everyone - W. F.

This quote fue agregado por wolf.fortenberry
Do not tell me that you have trust issues. Do not tell me you cannot trust people. This is not true. You can trust people, and you should trust people. You should trust everyone. Trust every person to act exactly as they always do. Trust that the liar will lie. Trust the thief will steal. Trust the angry to always be angry. Trust the kind person to be kind. Trust the loyal to remain loyal. Trust the honest to be honest. Trust everyone to be exactly who they are, and you will not be disappointed.

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haarp_wi2xfx 1 año, 1 mes atrás
How can one trust someone if they don't know WHAT they are?
derpqwerty 1 año, 5 meses atrás
No I don't think I will; trust but verify

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