Made to mess you up - some guy called Noyj

This quote fue agregado por noyj
This quote is made to mess you up! Don't think it will? Well too bad! No matter how confident you are as you type this quote, I'll guarantee you make a mistake. l'II get you, I promise. WeII, that was the only trick l had up my sIeeve. Just kidding! Did I get you?

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Nombre PPM Precisión
noyj 75.77 96.7%
jellyvanessa 64.97 87.7%
user90997 49.85 82.6%
kumagai 45.70 86.8%
coateocali 38.77 89.2%
cptsnail 34.90 85.2%
lastnothi 26.17 79.8%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
noyj 75.77 96.7%
jellyvanessa 64.97 87.7%
coateocali 38.77 89.2%
cptsnail 34.90 85.2%
user90997 49.85 82.6%
kumagai 45.70 86.8%
lastnothi 26.17 79.8%