Down the Rabbit Hole - Curtis Baldwin

This quote fue agregado por bcurty32
One day I wondered how fast I could type. Next thing I know, I'm buying a used mechanical keyboard and complaining about the accuracy measure of certain typing websites.

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fant0m 186.69 100%
user871724 184.72 90.4%
69buttpractice 162.79 100%
bunniexo 161.88 96.0%
firefingers1992 146.44 96.6%
hololivefan 144.93 100%
venerated 142.46 97.7%
lirich90 138.71 100%
penguino_beano 137.49 100%
user9212 135.42 100%

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galaxy.speck. 76.21 97.7%
sophis 72.31 92.9%
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