It is time for change. - Brandon Lu

This quote fue agregado por 1oooop
The rich are becoming richer. The government is electing to support itself rather than represent the people that are intended to represent. Concepts that are taught to children are no longer being used in the adult world. Education is shaping students who have no idea about what the future entails and why there is an educational system in the first place. There are many issues that need to be solved in our world today, and they can be easily solved if we had some positive leadership.

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teil0 10 años, 3 meses atrás
There are no political solutions to spiritual and moral problems.
scarpino 11 años atrás
If you're going to criticize the educational establishment, it's best to make sure that you're not missing any words in your statement.
allanw5 11 años, 7 meses atrás
Independent voters unite

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