Bo Burnham

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How we feelin' out there tonight? Hahaha, yeah, I am not feeling good. Wake up at 11:30, feelin' like a bag of shit. Oh no! All my clothes are dirty, so I'm smelling like a bag of shit. Go to pour my coffee, and I miss my cup OMG, that is just my luck Look in the mirror, say, "What's up, you useless fuck?"

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boredtyper 3 años, 4 meses atrás
I agree - that's why I allow my children to swear (as long as the swear isn't directed at a person). BUT some parents don't want their children exposed to swearing. Seeing as how there is no need to swear, I would think that it's not too big a hardship for you to refrain from swearing on a site that is accessed by children. Go on an adult site and swear
neveronground 3 años, 4 meses atrás
Children won't turn to stone at the sound or sight of profanity.
boredtyper 3 años, 4 meses atrás
Why is it that people find it necessary to use profanity on a site that is used by people of all ages?

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