Tension - Nanette - Hannah Gadsby - Hanna Gadsby

This quote fue agregado por stardustroses
Do you know why I am so funny? It is because I have been learning the art of tension diffusion since I was a child. Back then, it was a survival tactic. I didn't have to invent the tension... I was the tension. But now, I am tired of the tension.

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baboom 1 año atrás
Yes, I will take Dave Chappelle's word over this explanation.
dcb87 1 año, 5 meses atrás
"Do you know why I am so funny?" That would be cringeworthy even if she were, indeed, funny, which she's not (ask Dave Chappelle if you don't believe me).
wtfdy 3 años atrás
"Do you know why I am so funny?"

I'm not.

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