What is love? - Unknown

This quote fue agregado por shasta-landstar
What is love? This is the question one must ask. The best answer I have found so far; love is when you care so much about the person that you will do anything for them, even though it is not what is best for you.

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moatasem 2 años, 1 mes atrás
What is love?
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more
Baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me
No more
What is love?
No, I don't know why you're not fair
I give you my love, but you don't care
So what is right and what is wrong?
Gimme a sign
What is love?
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more
What is love?
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more
Whoa, whoa, oh
Whoa, whoa, oh
Oh, I don't know, what can I do?
What else can I say? It's up to you
I know we're one, just me and you
I can't go on
What is love?
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more
What is love?
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more
Whoa, whoa, oh
Whoa, whoa, oh
What is love?
What is love?
What is love?
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more
Don't hurt me
Don't hurt me

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