February Vingt-Neuf

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It's the wrong time to make jokes about slavery. As a general rule, time your jokes to make them less insensitive; if it's been less than six months since Juneteenth or if there are less than six months until Juneteenth, it's the wrong time.

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o simplemente dejar un comentario:

drtyrant 1 año, 12 meses atrás
12 years is about the right amount of time
beefybread 2 años atrás
(nerd emoji)
dvdllr 2 años, 5 meses atrás
Jokes are funny
txldybeast 2 años, 6 meses atrás
Facts! <3

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user291759 138.35 99.6%
zhengfeilong 136.64 99.2%
hackertyper492 133.93 96.0%
maplecrofte 132.07 97.2%
user9212 130.42 98.8%

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