Sensitive - Myself

This quote fue agregado por user939249
I often hear these stories about how strong men became strong because they had to. Their environment forced them to adapt. I've been through many things but, I still feel so weak. Why haven't I adapted? I can see that no matter how strong you become, there will always be times of weakness. But I've felt weak for so long... I've been so lost in failure I don't remember what success truly feels like. Save me, myself. Don't feel sorry for yourself. You can do it. Don't let the numbness wash over.

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elombitakola 2 años, 11 meses atrás
You have to challenge your ideas. Why are men supposed to be strong ? What does strong means ? Who decides ?
If I can suggest a good book, A man's search for meaning - Victor E Frankl
And another one Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari.
Those two books helped me understand that we humans have our heads full of ideas that we believe to be true without any proof. And then we let those ideas dictate how we should act, who we are, and so on.
When you realize that all those ideas are just ideas, you can now decide what is important for you and work towards it.
I hope you are better now I think this is an old quote.

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