Happiness - Karl Pilkington

This quote fue agregado por ryan13221
I think happiness is a bit like cake. If you have cake every single day of your life you'll get sick of it. If you're happy every day, you'll get sick of being happy... That's a good saying actually. Happiness is like a cake. Have too much of it and you'll get sick of it.

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chieftyper 9 meses, 2 semanas atrás
this is BS
jasmine004 3 años, 1 mes atrás
No. I disagree. Earnest happiness is something that can't be taken away. I think this quote needs to be reversed. When you're sad every day, lying on your bed feeling empty (also known as depression), then you'll be sick of it. Something needs to be changed, but you don't know it starts with the cake cutter.

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